Sunday, April 8, 2012

Character Development

Here are some sketches of a robot dinosaur character I did for an illustration idea. Here I'm playing with ideas and different looks for this character. I have yet to really settle on a specific look. I think I like pieces here and there from several, so perhaps the final rendition will be an amalgam of sorts. Though, I typically don't go to these lengths with all my illustrations (especially for just a single illustration), whenever I can, I'll make every effort to try and do so, cause I'm quickly realizing the benefit of it.  Since my goal is to push my character designing, I see it as a very necessary step in the process.

I have another character in need of designing, which means more sketches to come...


  1. Really love these characters, and especially how the illustrations featuring one turned out in your more recent post. Came across this blog while googling dinosaur characters for inspiration in my own illustration projects and had to check out your blog to see more... Great work!

  2. Thanks! Always nice to hear. So are you a fellow illustrator?

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